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What is a Global Geopark?

The term "Geopark" first appeared in UNESCO Geoparks Programme published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1997. UNESCO proposed the Geopark concept in 1999. It defines a geopark as an area containing geological heritage sites of particular and international importance. These Earth heritage sites require a comprehensive and coordinated management framework and a strategy for sustainable economic development. A geopark achieves its goals through a three-pronged approach. Firstly, it protects geosites and the natural environment. Secondly, it promotes popularization of earth sciences and improvement of public science literacy. Thirdly, it supports sustainable local economic and social development. The main goals of a Geopark are as follows:

To protect the geo-areas within the geopark through proper planning, management and legislation;

To encourage the sustainable use of geo-sites for knowledge-transfer activities;

To promote geo-tourism and local engagement activities in the geo-areas and neighborhood area.

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