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Guangwushan-Nuoshuihe in Sichuan Provicne and Dabieshan in Hubei have been listed in GGN

  In the 204th Congress of Executive Board of UNESCO, Guangwushan-Nuoshuihe and Dabinshan, both from China, were approved as a member of GGN.

  The 204 Congress of UNESCO

  Located in Bazhong, Sichuan Provice, Guangwushan-Nuoshuihe UNESCO Global Geopark covers an area of 1818 square kilometers. With abundant geo-heritages well reserved, the geopark is significant in research the geological conditions of Sichuan Basin, Qinling and even the Orogenic Belt of Yangzi Plate. In addition, the geopark is rich in cultural heritage. The history of the area of the geopark could date back to Qing Dynasty. The culture climaxed in Han Dynasty thanks to location of the area providing a wonderful hub connecting Sichuan and Shanxi. Local culture are well reserved in the area including drumming music, mountain songs and traditional art performance such as shadow play.

  Guangwushan-Nuoshuihe Geopark

  This is a karst landscape in Guangwushan-Nuoshuihe UNESCO Global Geopark.

  Dabieshan UNESCO Global Geopark located in Huanggang, Hubei Province and the north edge of Dabieshan Mountains, covers an area of 2625.54 square kilometers. The geopark reserves abundant geo-heritages that reflect the geo-evolution in China. The geopark has a mixture of peak clusters, forests, lakes and waterfalls. In addition, the geopark is also well known to all as a majestic place of religion. The geopark provides a wonderful location for geo-research as it has diversified geological landforms and beautiful landscapes.

  Zheren Peak of Dabieshan UNESCO Global Geopark

  Peak valleys and villages are forming a beautiful landscape, representing the harmonious coexistence of human and nature in Dabieshan UNESCO Global Geopark.

  In 2016, globally 16 applications were filed by 15 countries to UNESCO. In the fifth GGN’s Summit in September 2017, 17 applications were examined including 2 delayed in the last summit. 13 applications were approve after the votting. In the 204th Congress of UNESCO, the approved applications were verified. So far, there are 140 global geoparks worldwide from 38 countries and regions. As one of the countries with largest number of geoparks, China is home to 37 geoparks.

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