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Geotourism Routes

The scientific research route recording almost 1 billion year’s history of earth


Fenshui - Jinsha - Zihu - Sanqinghu - Yushan – Fenshui


stratigraphy record and significant geological structure


Route 2


The scientific research route for granite geology and geomorgraphy

 Nanshan - Zhongcun - Yukeng – Dong’ao - Pingxi - Waishuangxi - Yannan Valley – West Coast Footpath - Sanqing Temple - Fenshui - Yinjiang - Huangtuling – Nanshan

 Ordovician Stratum, peak forests, valleys, faults and joints

 Route 3

 The scientific research route passing streams, ponds and waterfalls at the east and north of Sanqingshan

 Jinsha - Five Colors Pond - Ice Cave Waterfall - Young Lady Pond - Shiguling Hydropower Station - Jade Curtain Waterfall – Source of Xingjiang River– Jinsha

 Waterfalls, ponds, the sources of Xinjiang River and Qianjiang River, valleys and hydrology

 Yuling Temple - Longquan Bridge - Xiaolongtan Waterfall - Granite Stone Forest - Fengmen - Fenshui Service Area

 Valleys, streams and waterfalls and so on

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