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Flavor Food

So-called Sanqingshan specialties are cuisine with special local products of Sanqingshan, and delicacies with the local specialties of Sanqingshan are formed through historical precipitation and production process over a long period. By 2013 Sanqingshan delicacy contest, Sanqingshan ten famous dishes were selected, which are recommended to tourists as Sanqingshan classic delicacies.

1. Sanqing Soup Hericium Erinaceus


2. Sanqing Wild Frozen Fish Scale


3. Special Pumpkin Pot


4. Tea Oxtail


5. Sauced Fish


6. Gold Tea Duck


7. Sanqing Health Preserving Soup


8.Elixir of Life


9. Stewed pork kunckle


10. Mixture of Pork and Coriander


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