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How should we protect the geoheritage?

  Regulations of the Protection and

  Management of Geoheritage (excerpt)

  No.4 As protected geoheritage is a national treasure, no entities or individuals are allowed ’to destroy, exploit, sell or transfer the geoheritage.

  No.17 No entity or individual is permitted to quarry stones, collect earth, mine, ranch, log or conduct other harmful activities on protected objects within a protected area and in an area which may have a negative impact on geoheritage. Without the permission of management bodies, no entities or individuals can collect specimens or fossils within the protected areas.

  No.18 It is forbidden to build factories or other facilities within a protected area. The faciljties which have been completed and may cause pollution or damage to gepheritage. The facilities which have been completed and may cause pollution or damages to geoheritage must be dealt with within a time limit or closed or relocated elsewhere.

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