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Wind Gates

Located 2,600 meters off the west of Buyun Bridge in Fenshui village in the charge of Yinjiang, Wind Gates stand at the beginning of north-south axis of architecture complex of Taoism Temples in Sanqingshan. As the first pass to Sanqingshan in ancient times, Wind Gates is surrounded by high peaks in both of its north and south and there are abysses in its west and east. That plus a scenic flat covering over 300 square meters allows wind to blow from every direction. There are three gates, two of which on both side lead to Jinsha and Fenshui, and the middle one to “Shaohua Paradise”. This middle gate is the first gate     leading to Sanqingshan. It faces Yinping Peak to its north, and the huge pillar-shaped rock under it is engraved “Wind Gates”. Two temples of Door-God stand on each side of the gate with granite sculpture of Door-God worshiped inside. To southwest of the pillar, a huge rock abruptly rises two meters above the ground. On the top, there is a pool without source reserving water and not drying up for years. On its cliff carves four characters “Tian Yi Shui Chi”.
    Wind Gate pass forms a terrain steep and is strategically important as if “ when one man guards the pass, ten thousand men are unable to get through”. Through the Gate stretch winding stone steps, along which stand verdant pines and grotesque rocks, forming a mysterious realm for tourists. Among dozens of stonescapes and relics, a huge stone 140 meters off the gate resembles an arch bridge with its top bulging out and leaving below empty. Next to it, a blade-cutting towering rock is engraved with four big characters “Qing Du Diao Qiao”. Qing Du, the residence of God of Heaven in legend, means a tranquil and pretty capital; to the right of Diao Qiao is a bottomless secluded valley, home of immense forests, floating clouds and surging mists. Flat-topped ancient pines can be seen here and there, as well as wild flowers beside the path. Everything is as fair and tranquil as a Fairland. Not far away from Qing Du Diao Qiao, a crown-shape cliff appears along the path with “Gua Guan Shi” engraved on it.
    South of Wind Gate is the only pass to Sanqingshan. This enterway is named “Mystery Gate”, “Mystery is Heaven or Vigor”.“Mystery Gate is called entrance to Taoism”, so Wind Gate is also known as Mystery Gate.

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