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Mount Sanqingshan mountain ridge head day: pastoral life

Reinforced concrete confined for a long time people, always longing for toward the heart of the paradise, or beautiful scenery, or flowers, or bridges, or the quiet and simplicity... In the summer of July, I found a place in Taoyuan - Ling tou village in the beautiful mountain sanqing.



Down from the Sanqingshan Mountain, live in Farm small courtyard, to lay down their luggage, facing the verdant stretch of mountains, gurgling streams around the village too, Madadayo smoke floating mountains. To the hills of the village to rest, feel the body and mind is so relaxed, comfortable, like stepping into a pastoral life.


In a small mountain village, every household is the stone house, schungite tile roof, sincere nature. This is the villagers materials, picking up mountains of rubble masonry, a kind of harmonious beauty.



Along the trail walk in the village, saw many cottage eaves hanging bacon, the people in the mountains but delicious homemade



Casually walked into a small courtyard, wooden fence, wooden wall, rose red couplet has faded, 32 chickens, easygoing around the was peeling potatoes old ah Ma ago foraging, a picture of comfortable rural people’s picture.



From the editor: there is a saying that good, travel is not just scenery, feel more is social customs and culture, and of life

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