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Fragrant Hills Park

  On June 5th, 2017, Sanqingshan signed a strategic partnership agreement with Fragrant Hills Park Management Office. Both mountains are the world famous mountains as well as important members of China Mountain Tourism Association. The in-depth cooperation and exchanges between these two famous mountains will open a new chapter for them.

  Fragrant Hills Park is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. The hills are steep and verdant, covering an area of 188 hectares. It is also an imperial garden with mountain forest characteristics. The main peak of this area is the Xianglu Peak, which is 557 meters above sea level. The Fragrant Hills area was built in 1186, enjoying a long history of about 900 years. With some famous tourist attractions such as Xiangshan Temple and Hongguang Temple, Fragrant Hills Park was awarded the national AAAA tourism attraction by the National Tourism Administration in 2001, and was named the first batch of Beijing high-quality parks.

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